An inter-generational
commitment to objective, transparent advice.
When you retain us, you reduce stress. You’ll receive
objective, tax-efficient advice that helps earn higher expected
all for a reasonable, transparent cost.
Typical Client
While we serve a
diverse client base,
our typical client:
- Is a high earner (or good saver) who understands the benefit of planning for the future.
- Seeks objective, customized, comprehensive advice from a fee-only advisor.
- Plays a lead financial role in their family, sometimes by surprise due to a death, disability, or divorce.
- Prefers delegating to a high degree, where appropriate.
- Appreciates an ongoing and long-term partnership.
- Will likely leave a legacy for future generations and/or charitable causes.
- Is most often referred to us by a friend or colleague.
A Doctor, Dentist
or Other Medical Professional
Your needs are unique. Due to lengthy and expensive educational requirements you face a late start accumulating wealth. Whether you’re near retirement or you’re just starting your career, you value your limited free time and realize the importance of making evidence-based financial decisions.
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Your financial concerns range from wealth accumulation and distribution, to estate and retirement planning. Your focus may be on the peace of mind you would derive from knowing you and your loved ones can maintain your quality of life, and leave a legacy for your heirs or to designated charities, in a tax efficient manner.
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You need a “life plan” that’s comprehensive, tracks your progress, and deals with your unique concerns. You may need to balance paying off debt versus saving, all while planning for retirement. You may have a growing family. If so, your primary concern is providing for them — especially in the event of a premature death.
We assist retirement plans, trust and endowments in structuring portfolios for the long term. We understand the delicate balance between risk and return and are cognizant of the need to minimize costs. In this litigious environment, you are concerned with liability and want to be sure you are meeting your fiduciary obligations.
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