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Open Window's Insight Articles

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Low Tax Rates To "Sunset" In 2026? Thumbnail

Low Tax Rates To "Sunset" In 2026?

Tax changes are on the horizon with the "TCJA sunset". Within, we highlight how the rules are scheduled by law to change. Use our Comparison Guide and Personalized Checklist to review how your taxes might change with this major potential revision of tax law. Let's consider these changes together as opportunities to avoid reacting to them later as threats.

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Hurricanes, Hit-And-Runs, & Other Investment Misfortunes Thumbnail

Hurricanes, Hit-And-Runs, & Other Investment Misfortunes

Nobody wants to make mistakes. And yet, we’re human; mistakes happen. Mistakes are part of life. So, here’s how to minimize the investment mistakes that matter the most, and make the most of the ones that remain. And since some misfortunes are just bad luck, here is a link to Charity Navigator's "Give Now" page, a collection of the most critical charitable issues that need a helping hand right now.

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How To Avoid Quarterly Tax Payments Thumbnail

How To Avoid Quarterly Tax Payments

Paying taxes is part of life, but did you know that when you choose to pay them might make a difference in your tax bill, and in your quality of life? Consider these must-know facts about your taxes, especially if you owe "quarterlies" or estimated "voucher payments."

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Paying Medicare Expenses With Your HSA Thumbnail

Paying Medicare Expenses With Your HSA

Let's explore how you can maximize the benefits of your HSA to effectively manage healthcare costs during your Medicare journey, including using HSA funds to pay for certain Medicare premiums, coinsurance, deductibles, and out-of-pocket drug costs.

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Spring Cleaning Shred-It Event Thumbnail

Spring Cleaning Shred-It Event

Spring is an ideal time to clean up clutter. To assist you, Open Window is offering free document destruction from April 15th to 26th. Drop your documents by any time, or schedule a 'Secure Recycling' timeslot at www.openwindowFS.com/connection.

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Is Your Bank Underpaying On Your Savings? Thumbnail

Is Your Bank Underpaying On Your Savings?

Although yields on cash pay more than ever, don't assume your cash savings automatically receive a higher rate. Within, we help you weigh your cash bank account options, including the ideal use of checking, savings, and money market accounts for "retirees" and those "not yet retired."

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How To Buy Low & Sell High Thumbnail

How To Buy Low & Sell High

If there is a universal investment ideal, it is probably this: Buy low and sell high. There exists an unassuming process for doing just that, called "rebalancing," but it is often overlooked for more exciting ideas.

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Financial Best Practices for Year-End 2023 Thumbnail

Financial Best Practices for Year-End 2023

As winter settles in, reflect with us on sunnier times. Envision your finances as a garden—what actions would deserve your attention? Here are our four favorite items worth tending to as 2024 approaches… plus a reflection on how to make the most of the remaining year.

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What to Know - Medicare Premium "IRMAA" Thumbnail

What to Know - Medicare Premium "IRMAA"

Were you surprised to receive a Medicare IRMAA letter from the Social Security Administration? Beware that certain income levels can increase your Medicare premium by up to 286% - an increase called "IRMAA". And yet, some people might still pursue this increase. If you're among the 4% to 5% of all Part B beneficiaries who received an "IRMAA" letter, here's what you need to know.

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Medicare Open Enrollment Begins October 15 Thumbnail

Medicare Open Enrollment Begins October 15

It's the time of year again to review Medicare options. The Open Enrollment Period — which begins on October 15 and runs through December 7 —is an opportunity to switch to a better Medicare health and prescription drug plan. Let's review the Open Enrollment Period options and look at changes to Medicare benefits for 2024.

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Investment Ideas That Work Thumbnail

Investment Ideas That Work

Which specific investment ideas work, and can they be relied upon going forward? Within, we review the most important academic insights that, in aggregate, offer us a clearer pathway with which to navigate the world's daily twists and turns.

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Opportunity Calls: Fill Up The Valley Thumbnail

Opportunity Calls: Fill Up The Valley

Tax savings can be significant by targeting the “Valley of Opportunity” that appears during lower-income tax years. Life tends to present these valleys as predictable opportunities, occurring at certain times and even at specific ages. Make sure you’re prepared to act by “filling up the valley” to avoid leaving your future self, or your beneficiaries, with higher effective tax rates.

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