2021 Illustrated Market Review
An illustrated world review of selected capital market results in 2021.
An illustrated world review of selected capital market results in 2021.
While the common house cat might not be your first pick when thinking of animals to model your financial planning and investment styles after, your favorite furry friend has several qualities that might be beneficial to your finances.
There are three certainties in life: death, taxes, and change. Here is an in-depth review of some of the tools and techniques we can use to reduce one of those certainties: your lifetime tax bill (or beyond, through a tax-efficient transfer to heirs).
Here are six of the best 2021-year-end practices that we're sharing with clients.
Simply staying invested helps outpace the impact of inflation over the long term.
A summary of recent tax legislation, much of which was expected to be enacted in 2021, before stalling in Congress. While the final language remains uncertain, many of the proposals could become law. Ask us to show you your potential impacts in a personalized "what if" proposal.
In our daily lives, we all make decisions regarding what we can afford. The "affordability" of debt is no different. While the government has taken on more debt, households tell a different story.
If your financial professional works in a fee-based firm, they can say they don't work on commission. But they still might. What you likely want is a fee-only firm.
Today, Open Window was "Confirmed" as one of the "Best Financial Advisor Firms Nevada 2021". We turned the recognition down.
To survive, we focus on danger. Bad things can happen very fast. Good things, in contrast, take time, and we often fail to appreciate them.
Did you know there is a difference between "good" and "bad" inflation? Although inflation forecasts remain as fuzzy as ever, here is how investors can best prepare for whatever may happen next.
If you've amassed a significant amount of wealth, you want to know it'll be a gift, not a curse, to future generations. Here's how to help your loved ones become responsible stewards of your wealth.
An estate plan is one of the greatest gifts you can bequeath to your loved ones. If you’ve been putting off your estate planning, taking the initial steps can be daunting—but liberating. Here is how to get started today, one hurdle at a time.
Are low interest rates here to stay? After analyzing 800 years of real interest rates, a working paper from the Bank of England seems to say so.
Sometimes, a big income just means bigger expenses; and great wealth means greater problems. Here are a few concerns that we're hearing from clients like you.
The investment instructions below are essentially identical to certain instructions I’ve laid out in my will. It is what I believe is best for my family's investment assets after I am gone.
The American marketplace is an economic jungle. As in all jungles, you easily can be destroyed if you don’t know the rules of survival… But you also can come through in fine shape and you can even flourish in the jungle—if you learn the rules, adapt them for your own use, and heed them.
Congress has officially passed a third stimulus package, this time of $1.9 trillion. Here's what we're acting on with business owners, families and individuals.
Without a solid investment approach and a commitment to staying the course, investors might find it difficult to remain on track, especially in challenging times.
On the path to investment success, understanding the range of potential outcomes can help you stick with a plan and ride out the inevitable ups and downs.